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Apple CEO Steve Jobs's Untimely Death Is Ironic. Ironic End To An Ironic Life

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On September 11, Apple CEO Steve Jobs passed away at the age of 56. Pancreatic cancer was the cause of his death. Jobs was fighting the cancer for at minimum six years. He underwent a liver transplant in 2009. His death comes one day after the company announced the iPhone 4S. We have put together a short article about Jobs' life and career, as well as his relationship with Chrisann Brennan. These are some of the most profound quotes Jobs ever said and what they mean today.

Careers in Jobs

Steve Jobs's legacy spans several decades. His role as Apple's CEO was revolutionary in the music business and helped usher in the age of MP3 players. His inventions spanned many industries. He even created several successful companies. Apple was a pioneering force in many fields including computers, smartphones and the iPod. Steve Jobs's death is an ironic ending to a life of innovation.

His health

Apple CEO Steve Jobs made the announcement on October 5, 2011 about his medical leave. After a 2008 liver transplant, he was placed on a six-month work break. He had also undergone cancer surgery in 2004 and was diagnosed with a rare type of pancreatic cancer and an islet cell neuroendocrine tumor, which can cause hormone imbalances. Jobs' condition declined over time, despite the success of his surgery.

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His relationship to Chrisann Brennan

Steve Jobs' relationship to Chrisann Brennans, Chrisann's high school sweetheart was also troubled. According to Kottke, Brennan felt bullied and treated as a second-class citizen in his household. The couple worked out their differences and eventually started seeing each other more often. Brennan even wrote an article about their relationship in Rolling Stone magazine. The relationship ended up being happy, even though it was turbulent.

His final words

When he passed away, Steve Jobs did not use his last words to warn people against the mindless pursuit of wealth. However, the rumor circulated like wildfire on low-traffic blogs as well as unofficial social media accounts. It was never confirmed by anyone who knew Jobs. Today, this fake essay is spreading on the Internet. It suggests that Jobs actually used these words to warn. This article explains why we can't be sure about the meaning of Jobs' final words.

His legacy

His dedication to delighting customers is the greatest legacy of Steve Jobs. Whether he was the inventor of the iPad or he created the iPod, the commitment to delight consumers was at the heart of everything Jobs did. This commitment was the foundation of Apple's approach to new products. Jobs has died, and his legacy will be written differently now than it was while he was still alive. Here are some Jobs' most memorable achievements.

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Apple CEO Steve Jobs's Untimely Death Is Ironic. Ironic End To An Ironic Life